KY Dem Andy Beshear Continues Raising Money Off His Father’s Influence

Category: AR PAC

Gov. Maggie Hassan endorsed Hillary Clinton today, appearing with her at a town hall meeting in Durham. Most of the event consisted of Hassan sitting on stage while her constituents complained about policies she has direct influence over as governor to Clinton. When Hassan did get a chance to speak, she had trouble avoiding the elephant in the room – her failed partisan brinkmanship on the state budget: [Read more…]

Hillary Clinton, whose campaign has been in damage control mode all week, is finally relenting on her strategy to keep the press at arms distance. Clinton will appear on her first Sunday show this week, sitting down with John Dickerson on CBS’s “Face The Nation.” [Read more…]

As Maggie Hassan prepares to (finally) endorse Hillary Clinton today, she continues to take cues from her chosen presidential candidate on transparency – or lack thereof. From using private email for official business to dodging positions on key issues, Hassan and Clinton are two of a kind. [Read more…]

Earlier this week the Huffington Post reported that Correct the Record, a pro-Hillary Clinton super PAC led by David Brock, circulated an email attempting to link Clinton challenger Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) to controversial UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn.

Corbyn has praised Hugo Chavez in the past and suggested that the assassination of Osama bin Laden was “a tragedy.”

This attack on Sanders backfired. According ActBlue Sanders raised more than $1 million off the pro-Hillary Clinton super PAC’s attack in less than 48 hours.

Bloomberg’s Mark Halperin called ​the Clinton ally’s​ tactics “McCarthyite” on MSNBC’s Morning Joe.

Earlier in the week ​when Halperin pressed ​Brock​ on the email, Brock refused to give ​him a reason for releasing it.

These ​aggressive tactics against Senator Sanders by Clinton’s allies and surrogates paints a picture of a campaign in ​full-blown​ panic mode over ​Sanders’ surge.

Despite campaigning on overturning Citizen’s United and fighting Super PACs’ influence, Patrick Murphy is refusing to put his money where his mouth is – literally – and continuing to accept Super PAC cash. [Read more…]

On July 28, Hillary Clinton hosted a town hall in New Hampshire, and was asked what her position was on the Keystone XL pipeline. Clinton, as she’s done for months, said: [Read more…]

Yesterday, Lexington Herald-Leader political writer Sam Youngman compared Jack Conway’s debate performance to Al Gore and 1960 Richard Nixon.

Today, WDRB Contributor John David Dyche takes it a step further:

“From the moment the broadcast came on the air Conway was sweating like Seinfeld’s George Constanza after he ate the spicy Kung Pao. Conway’s hair, usually carefully coiffed a la fellow plaintiffs’ attorney and former presidential candidate John Edwards, was uncharacteristically disheveled.”

Democrats were already worried about how Hillary’s email troubles would impact Conway, but now they’ve got to be more worried about how Conway will impact Conway.1421283209_v5y07h_4msb4

Seventeen months after being asked at the 2014 Women of the World summit to name an accomplishment as Secretary of State, Team Clinton has trotted out a series of partisan Democrats—all of whom have benefited financially or politically from their connections to the Clintons—to list a series of “accomplishments” from Hillary Clinton’s lifetime. [Read more…]

Over at the Lexington Herald-Leader, political writer Sam Youngman offers a blistering critique of Jack Conway’s performance at Tuesday night’s debate.

Not only did Youngman compare Conway to “A 1980s commercial for antiperspirant,” but said:

“Between the Al Gore body language and the 1960 Richard Nixon sweating, Conway looked ill at ease on the stage, and he desperately needs strong debate performances from here on out to break through a political environment that is potentially apocalyptic for Democrats.”

Conway’s answer to a question about a sexual harassment case bothered Youngman (among others)

“The larger problem for Conway came from some of his answers, especially his response to my question about sexual harassment in Frankfort.

It’s a safe bet that Republicans will continue hammering Conway for noting in his response that he has a female dog.”

Youngman sums it up with:

“My guess is that Conway’s performance wasn’t disqualifying, but he needs to vastly improve in several areas before he and Bevin meet on stage again.”

Maybe he can ask Massachusetts’ Martha Coakley for some advice.

During today’s interview on CNN’s Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer, Hillary Clinton refused to call on the DNC to offer more than the 6 debates that are scheduled. [Read more…]