If the election were held today, Republicans would capture the Senate

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Tonight, the Democratic presidential candidates are finally having their first debate. Here at America Rising, our War Room will be holding Secretary Clinton accountable every step of the way. You can join us at live.americarisingpac.org! [Read more…]

At a Washington Post event in Las Vegas on the eve of the Democratic presidential candidates first debate, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid blasted New Hampshire’s First In The Nation primary, attacking the Granite State for lacking a large minority population, saying “nobody lives there.” He went on to flat-out state that New Hampshire and Iowa voters shouldn’t be choosing the president:

If Reid doesn’t quickly walk back his Granite State gaffe he’ll likely find himself afoul of the Democrats’ new marquee senate candidate, New Hampshire Gov. Maggie Hassan, who came out strongly in favor of the state’s First In The Nation status last month:

Gov. Maggie Hassan told WMUR: “I’ll fight along side Secretary Gardner to protect the New Hampshire primary. We invented it. We bring the nominating process to the people and we do it exceptionally well.”

And Hassan, who has endorsed Hillary Clinton, will face an important test about whether she stands with her Party’s out-of-touch leadership, or with New Hampshire voters.

He also threw Iowa under the bus, calling the Hawkeye State “a place that doesn’t demonstrate what America’s all about.” There’s likely a few Iowa Democrats who will take issue with his remarks.

Reid did kindly offer the consolation that he didn’t “mean to denigrate New Hampshire or Iowa.”

Andy Beshear, Democratic candidate for Kentucky attorney general, refused to say whether he voted for President Obama in the 2008 and 2012 elections when asked by an America Rising tracker: [Read more…]

Reporters and debate-goers arriving in Las Vegas today were…displeased, to say the least…by the hour-long taxi lines that greeted them and lack of Uber service at the airport: [Read more…]

Andy Beshear’s campaign war chest has amassed $2.7 million, with large amounts coming from folks who want to do business with his father Governor Steve Beshear’s administration.

It has paid to contribute to the son of the Governor. Take for example the board of trustees for the University of Kentucky and the University of Louisville, which are appointed by Governor Beshear. According to The Courier-Journal, 22 of the 31 appointments have contributed to the Governor’s son.

This past June, Rev. Kevin Cosby, University of Louisville’s only African American trustee and the only trustee who had not contributed to Andy’s campaign was replaced by Governor Beshear.

As The Courier Journal’s Joe Gerth puts it:

“If you are a pessimist, you’d believe that raising the money that Beshear has raised opens the door for corruption, since many of the people donating to his campaign are still dependent on his father for government contracts and appointments, and many others could have cases involving the attorney general once Andy Beshear is swept into office.”

Still Beshear has done little to quell voters’ fears that all this money might influence his role as attorney general. Despite being called on to release a list of clients he has represented, he has refused to do so.

Andy Beshear’s utter lack of transparency on his client list and record-breaking fundraising off his father’s name should make Kentuckians question who he would really represent if he becomes their attorney general.”

As predicted Maine’s 2nd Congressional Democratic primary is already becoming dysfunctional. Failed 2014 congressional candidate Emily Cain and Bangor City Councilor Joe Baldacci each made appearances on Beacon Podcast, where they traded barbs against each other and claimed to be the better candidate.

Cain told the Beacon that she is “the only person running in the whole race who has successfully voted for and been a part of passing a minimum wage increase,” referring Baldacci’s recent minimum wage failure.

Cain went on to tout her endorsements from local labor unions, EMILY’s List, and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

Baldacci didn’t hold back on Cain and said he is the only candidate who has opposed tax breaks for the rich. Baldacci said rank-and-file Democrat voters want someone who will stand up for basic Democratic values.

It appears that Kennebec Journal was accurate in reporting  a Democratic primary would “test Democratic loyalties in and around Bangor.” Seems like Maine Democrats are going to need all the luck they can get.

Last weekend State Senator Morgan Carroll, who is running for Colorado’s 6th Congressional seat, attended a luncheon in Grand Junction, Colorado. After the event, an America Rising tracker caught up with Carroll and twice asked [Read more…]

Yesterday, during an interview on CBS’ “60 Minutes,” President Obama called Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server “a mistake” and “a legitimate” issue. This was the first time that the Obama administration has gone on the record calling Clinton’s use of a private email server a mistake, ​though it has long been​ reported the administration felt ​ frustrated behind closed doors.

MSNBC’s ​ Morning Joe quickly pounced on these remarks by the ​president to justify their months of questioning the Clinton campaign on this issue. Campaign surrogates have often dismissed their concerns as an illegitimate line of questioning.

​Bloomberg’s Mark Halperin reported that “the president, the vice president, and other people at the White House are not pleased with the way she [Hilary Clinton] handled her email.”

The morning shows all covered President Obama’s remarks.

NBC’s Today Show:

ABC’s Good Morning America:

CBS’s This Morning:

Making matters worse for Hillary Clinton is a new CBS News poll showing Hillary Clinton’s unfavorable rating at its highest since 1992.


It would seem the ​once-prohibitive favorite to be the Democratic nominee enters ​Tuesday’s Democratic ​debate anything but.

The New York Times reported this morning that DNC Vice Chairwoman Tulsi Gabbard has been disinvited from tomorrow night’s Democratic presidential debate in Las Vegas because of Gabbard’s public push for more debates: [Read more…]

Going into the first Democratic debate this week, the Sunday shows were dominated by Hillary Clinton’s numerous flip-flops this campaign and her less than impressive campaign strategy.

ABC News highlighted Hillary Clinton’s flip-flop on TPP, which she once called the “gold standard” while she was Secretary of State. The segment also featured four major breaks that Clinton has had with Obama administration in the past month.

According to CNN’s Inside Politics panel Hillary Clinton will have to be ready to explain her TPP flip-flop in the first Democratic debate, and make it sound authentic.

NBC’s Chuck Todd called these recent shifts “policy adjustments.”

Todd speculated, “Sen. Bernie Sanders strong polling is frustrating the Hillary Clinton campaign and forcing her to switch positions and move to the left.”

Both The Associated Press’s Lisa Lerer and USA Today’s Susan Page said that the upcoming Democratic debate will be more about Hillary Clinton vs. Hillary Clinton than anything else.

The Associated Press’s Lisa Lerer:

USA Today’s Susan Page:

Things only got worse for Hillary Clinton. A new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll shows that if Vice President Joe Biden enters the presidential race, Bernie Sanders would become the Democratic front-runner not Hillary Clinton.

This poor polling probably explains Clinton’s post-debate strategy shift to focus less on Iowa and New Hampshire and more on Super Tuesday states, in what can only be viewed as the latest effort to save her campaign.

You can join America Rising during the Democratic debate on Tuesday by visiting live.americarisingpac.org.