Good Talk Russ!

Category: AR PAC

Yesterday, Politico reported that former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg donated $2.5 million to Senate Majority PAC to help re-elect vulnerable Senate Democrats in 2014.

It has now become crystal clear that Bloomberg’s pricey donation to Senate Majority PAC is directly helping Sen. Mark Pryor’s (D-AR) re-election.

Bloomberg has not dropped threats to spend more to attack Pryor and other Democrats over gun issues. But by giving to the Senate Majority PAC, Bloomberg is helping Pryor, whose reelection is among the group’s top goals.

In May 2013, Pryor released a T.V. ad railing against Bloomberg’s political involvement in his Senate re-election campaign, stating, “No one from New York or Washington tells me what to do.”

In a new campaign ad today, Pryor defends his vote against the legislation seeking to expand background checks for guns sold online and at gun shows. He said the proposal would not have prevented the recent mass shootings in Connecticut, Colorado and Arizona and bluntly suggests that Bloomberg should mind his own business. “No one from New York or Washington tells me what to do,” Pryor says in the television ad that started airing today. “I listen to Arkansas.”

Well, apparently they do.

With Mayor Bloomberg’s major donation to Senate Majority PAC, out-of-state special interests from BOTH New York and Washington, D.C. are telling Pryor exactly what to do.

According to a new report in the Capital Journal, Democrat Senate candidate Rick Weiland’s (D-SD) fundraising numbers show that approximately 71 percent of his total campaign contributions have come from out-of-state donors.

Weiland is second only to Rounds in fundraising among candidates, according to the latest FEC filings. In total, he has raised $232,968 in identifiable contributions. But compared to Rounds, an even greater percentage of Weiland’s totals – approximately 71 percent, or $165,000 – has come from outside South Dakota. About $67,000 has been given to Weiland by South Dakota residents or committees.

But wait! Just last year Weiland was out on the campaign trail giving stump speeches against political campaigns that were funded by out-of-state money.

WEILAND: “I think South Dakotans want to talk to the people that want to represent them, and not have to watch a bunch of political ads that have been paid for by big money, special interest, out-of-state donors.”

It’s only January, but it’s safe to say that Rick Weiland is South Dakota’s hypocrite of the year.

Mary Landrieu may tell Louisianans that having her potentially lead the Senate’s Energy Committee will be a good thing for Louisiana. But Landrieu’s wallet speaks louder than her words, specifically when it comes to energy policy.

Landrieu may say that she “will not simply rubber stamp climate change proposals because my party and the Obama administration support them,” but she will rubber stamp the campaigns of her Democrat colleagues who do.

Landrieu’s Jazz PAC routinely gives tons of money to her Democrat colleagues in the Senate who support cap-and-trade. In fact, of the  39 Democrats who voted for cap-and-trade, Landrieu’s PAC has contributed campaign cash to 30 of them.

Now we see that Landrieu’s outside group support system, the Senate Majority PAC, has taken $2.5 million from outspoken carbon-tax proponent , the former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

You can always tell a lot about a person by what they spend their money on.

Former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg donated $2.5 million To Senate Majority PAC as a potential first overture to millions more to come supporting Democrats in 2014.

Bloomberg’s use of his personal fortune to buy off political opposition is well documented, as is Mary LandrieuKay HaganMark Pryor, And Mark Begich‘s opposition to outside money in their races.

But these Senators might need to be more concerned about accepting campaign help from a group funded by someone who has supported:

Strict gun control measures

A national carbon tax

Eliminating coal plants

Banning tobacco use

Banning big gulps

And regulating everything from alcohol to styrofoam

Much of which the Senators claim to oppose. So if they are reelected to the Senate and Uncle Bloomby comes calling for support on his latest ban, what will these Senators say?

Bloomberg has $31 billion that he’s ready to spend on spreading his political ideology around the country. Has he just bought a down payment on 4 more votes? Voters in these states should be concerned that Bloomberg nanny-stateism is coming to them.

In his new book, ‘Duty,’ former Defense Secretary Robert Gateswrote that in a private meeting Hillary Clinton admitted her opposition to the troop surge in Iraq was purely an attempt to gain political advantage ahead of the 2008 Iowa Caucus.

Hillary told the president that her opposition to the [2007] surge in Iraq had been political because she was facing him in the Iowa primary. . . .

Clinton’s initial support for the Iraq War was widely seen as a key reason that she lost her overwhelming lead in the 2008 Democratic Primary.

The new revelation by Gates, that Clinton would admit to being disingenuous about her position on the Iraq surge for political purposes, is sure to undermine her attempt to position herself as “serious” on foreign policy issues ahead of a likely 2016 run.

Iowa Caucus voters might wonder what serious issues will Hillary Clinton mislead voters about her position on in 2016 in order to try to win their support?

Yesterday, Politico’s Maggie Haberman reported on the infrastructure being organized around Hillary Clinton in preparation for a 2016 White House bid.

Longtime Clinton aide Minyon Moore is identified as Hillary Clinton’s “political eyes and ears of late.” The story describes how Moore organized an early summer of 2013 strategy session at Clinton’s home on Embassy Row in Washington, DC to discuss a potential 2016 campaign.

Such a strong connection to Moore could prove difficult for Clinton, as Moore was identified by federal investigators “as the link” between Clinton’s 2008 campaign and an illegal scheme to bankroll get out the vote efforts. Moore introduced New York Marketing Executive Troy White businessman to Jeffrey Thompson who agreed to secretly fund White’s “street teams” after the Clinton campaign rejected the efforts. Moore arranged for the “street teams” to receive campaign materials and other confidential information in apparent violation of federal non-coordination laws.

As Clinton’s shadow campaign continues to heat up, one can only wonder how many more advisers Clinton should think twice about associating herself with.

Read more

Over the weekend on MSNBC, The Washington Post‘s Jackie Kucinich and U.S. News And World Report‘s Lauren Fox discussed the Senate Democrats’ difficult path for reelection thanks to ObamaCare. Vulnerable senators mentioned include Sen. Kay Hagan (D-NC), Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA), Sen. Mark Pryor (D-AR), and Sen. Mark Begich (D-AK).

Here are a few highlights from 2013. We look forward to the year ahead!

After the Monday vote on The National Security and Federal Lands Protection Act (H.R. 1505) the issue has been thrown back into the center of this campaign.  Both Tester and liberal groups are weighing in to paint the bill in an unfavorable light.  Last fall an “independent” group run by Montana democrats produced ads condemning the bill and yesterday Tester called it a “federal land grab” in a tweet.   

The attacks make no sense.  H.R. 1505 only applies to federal land.  How could the federal government take land from itself?  What the bill does is allow U.S. Customs and Border Patrol to do their job (protecting the border) on federal land.  Just in case there could be any confusion, the bill also includes provisions that protect legal access to the land for hunting, grazing, etc.  Americans will still be able to do everything they always did in National Parks and Forests.  The issue here is border security, something that Tester claims to support.  If Tester really supports border security, why is he opposing this bill?



Tester’s Tweet About “Rehberg’s Federal Land Grab Bill.” “See the full scope of Rehberg’s federal land grab bill. Map: It impacts public lands within 100 miles of our borders” (@jontester, 6/19/12)


“Rehberg Is An Original Co-Sponsor Of H.R. 1505 By Representative Rob Bishop Of Utah.” (Montana Hunters And Anglers Website,, Accessed 11/7/11)


Anti-Rehberg Montana Hunters & Anglers Action Ad, “No Rehberg Land Grab:”


Montana Hunters & Anglers Is A 501(c)(4) That Says It Is Dedicated To Protecting “Wildlife, Wildlife Habitat, And Access To Public Lands.” “Montana Hunters and Anglers ACTION is a 501 (c)(4) not-for-profit organization dedicated to protecting wildlife, wildlife habitat and access to public lands for hunting and fishing in Montana. From Helena to Washington, D.C., MH&A ACTION fights for legislation and polices that enhance Montana’s outdoor heritage. We hold elected leaders accountable, educate the citizenry and engage in the democratic process with a powerful, united voice. We hope you’ll join the fight.” (Montana Hunters And Anglers,, Accessed 11/7/11)


The President Of MH&A Was Chairman Of A Wildlife Council Appointed By Fmr. Gov. Schweitzer (D). “Land Tawney – President: Land is a fifth generation Montanan who grew up with rod and gun in hand… In addition, Land is just stepping off the Private Land Public Wildlife Council appointed by Governor Schweitzer. He served three two-year terms, chairing two of this council made up of outfitters, landowners, and sportsmen. The council made recommendations on access related issues to the Governor, state legislature, and Fish Wildlife and Parks.” (Montana Hunters And Anglers,, Accessed 11/7/11)


The Secretary Is A Democratic State Senator. “Kendall Van Dyk – Secretary: State Sen. Kendall Van Dyk is a native Montanan who was raised on a ranch along the Madison River near Three Forks…Kendall was first elected to the Montana House of Representatives in 2006 at age 26. In the 2009 legislative session, he chaired the House Fish, Wildlife and Parks committee and sponsored the first stream access bill to pass the Montana legislature in 25 years. He continues to work on fish, wildlife and access issues in the Montana Senate.” (Montana Hunters And Anglers,, Accessed 11/7/11)


  • “KENDALL J VAN DYK (D) SD 25” (Montana Legislature Website,, Accessed 11/7/11)


The Treasurer Is A Former Aide To Sen. Max Baucus (D). “Barrett Kaiser – Treasurer: After having spent more than a decade as a top advisor to U.S. Senator Max Baucus, Barrett now provides strategic communications services across the West.” (Montana Hunters And Anglers,, Accessed 11/7/11)


The Director Works For A Left Leaning Lobbying Firm In Washington. “George Cooper – Director: George is now a Senior Vice President at Cauthen Forbes & Williams, where he directs the firm’s strategic communications practice and works closely with the firm’s clients to develop and implement effective public relations and media strategies. George also leads CFW’s natural resources government affairs work.” (Montana Hunters And Anglers,, Accessed 11/7/11)


  • Cauthen Forbes & Williams Has Given 90 Percent Of Their Donations To Democrats. (Influence Explorer,, Accessed 11/7/11)


  • Cauthen Forbes & Williams Has Contributed $9,400 To Tester’s Campaign This Cycle. (The Center For Responsive Politics,, Accessed 11/7/11)


H.R. 1505 Prevents The Depts. Of Interior Or Agriculture From Interfering With U.S. Customs And Border Control’s Duties Securing The “International Land Borders” On Land Under Their Jurisdiction (I.E. National Parks And National Forests). “To prohibit the Secretaries of the Interior and Agriculture from taking action on public lands which impede border security on such lands, and for other purposes…(a) Prohibition on Secretaries of the Interior and Agriculture- The Secretary of the Interior or the Secretary of Agriculture shall not impede, prohibit, or restrict activities of U.S. Customs and Border Protection on land under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Interior or the Secretary of Agriculture to achieve operational control (as defined in section 2(b) of the Secure Fence Act of 2006 (8 U.S.C. 1701 note; Public Law 109-367)) over the international land borders of the United States.” (H.R. 1505, Introduced 4/13/11)


The Bill Does Not Give Authority To Restrict Legal Use Of The Land.  “(d) Protection of Legal Uses- This section shall not be construed to provide–(1) authority to restrict legal uses, such as grazing, hunting, or mining, on land under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Interior or the Secretary of Agriculture; or (2) any additional authority to restrict legal access to such land.” (H.R. 1505, Introduced 4/13/11)


TESTER: “Government Needs To Secure The Borders First And Then Work On Enforcing The Laws That We Have.” (Gail Russell Chaddock and Faye Bowers, “Immigration bill stalls amid calls for ‘enforcement first,’” Christian Science Monitor, 6/29/07)


Tester Said Strengthening The Borders Would End Illegal Immigration And Make America Safer.  “‘Folks who want to work in this country need to get in line and follow the rules,’ said Tester, a member of the Senate Homeland Security Committee.  ‘And we need to enforce those rules, starting with beefing up our border security.  Every step we take to secure our borders—both southern, and northern—is a step toward ending illegal immigration and making our communities safer.’” (Sen. Jon Tester, “Baucus, Tester Statements On Strengthening Border Security,” Press Release, 5/27/10)

When Tester’s in Montana he tells people he hasn’t lost his Montana values like other Congressmen.  He assures the voters back home that he works for them and not D.C. lobbyists or Wall Street bankers, but his campaign money tells a different story.

Tester is the top recipient of money from other Democrats and D.C. lobbyists, but that’s not all.  Wall Street firms are some of Tester’s biggest contributors.  The finance, insurance, and real estate sectors have donated nearly $1.4 million to Tester, and his fourth largest donor is the prominent Wall Street firm J.P. Morgan.  Not to be left out, other big Wall Street banks like Blackstone, Wells Fargo, Citigroup and Goldman Sachs are some of Tester’s biggest donors.  If the D.C. establishment is going to start attacking Rehberg of working for D.C. and Wall Street they should consider who their candidate is.  Tester’s hands are very deep in the pocket of both Wall St. and the D.C. establishment. 



The DSCC Financed A $400,000 Through The Montana Democratic Party Which Attacks Rehberg For Losing Touch With Montana And Working For D.C. And Wall Street.  “The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee is financing an ad that will target Republican Rep. Denny Rehberg in the Montana Senate race beginning on Tuesday. It’s the third time so far this cycle the DSCC has paid for a Senate campaign commercial.  ‘After 12 years in Washington D.C., Dennis Rehberg’s forgotten where he comes from,’ says the narrator of the ad, which the state Democratic Party is launching. ‘Because Rehberg voted for billions in tax breaks to big bankers on Wall Street Rehberg even voted to let Wall Street CEOs get millions in bonuses funded by taxpayer bailouts.’ The ad will run through July 9, and has $400,000 behind it. The DSCC transferred money to the state party for the ad buy.” (Sean Sullivan, “DSCC Ad Hits Rehberg In Montana,” National Journal’s Hotline, 6/18/12)


Tester Has Taken $348,031 From Lobbyist In The 2012 Cycle. (The Center For Responsive Politics,, Accessed 6/18/12)


  • Tester Is The #1 Recipient Of Lobbyist Money In The 2012 Cycle. (The Center For Responsive Politics,, Accessed 6/18/12)


Tester Has Taken $1,379,962 From The Financial, Insurance, And Real Estate Sectors.  (The Center For Responsive Politics,, 6/18/12)


Tester Is The #1 Of Democratic Leadership PAC’s In The 2012 Cycle ($286,000). (The Center For Responsive Politics,, Accessed 6/18/12


Tester’s #4 Contributor For The 2012 Cycle Is JP Morgan & Chase With $45,000. (The Center For Responsive Politics,, Accessed 6/18/12)


Some Of Tester’s Wall Street Bank Donors (2012 Cycle): Blackstone $34,000, Wells Fargo $26,000, Citigroup $15,500. (The Center For Responsive Politics,, Accessed 6/18/12)


Top Contributors – Career





League of Conservation Voters $74,322 $62,400 $11,922
Council for a Livable World $66,205 $53,680 $12,525 $62,790 $62,790 $0
Visa Inc $47,400 $37,400 $10,000
Thornton & Naumes $45,600 $45,600 $0
JPMorgan Chase & Co $45,200 $35,200 $10,000
WPP Group $40,100 $35,500 $4,600
First Interstate Bancsystem $39,500 $32,650 $6,850
Blackstone Group $36,300 $36,300 $0
Wells Fargo $32,450 $17,450 $15,000
Comcast Corp $31,000 $18,500 $12,500
Pederson Group $29,500 $29,500 $0
State of Montana $28,704 $28,704 $0
Akin, Gump et al $25,932 $21,900 $4,032
Patton Boggs LLP $25,250 $15,250 $10,000
University of Montana $25,050 $25,050 $0
Impact (Schumer) $25,000 $15,000 $10,000
Citigroup Inc $24,600 $17,100 $7,500
Kelso & Co $24,000 $24,000 $0
Goldman Sachs $23,100 $13,100 $10,000

(The Center For Responsive Politics,, Accessed 6/18/12)