Today on Face the Nation, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager said “No polls show that voters don’t trust Hillary Clinton.”
That’s really strange, because a June CNN/ORC poll shows:
A growing number of people say she is not honest and trustworthy (57%, up from 49% in March), less than half feel she cares about people like them (47%, down from 53% last July) and more now feel she does not inspire confidence (50%, up from 42% last March).
Or this Quinnipiac poll from a few months ago:
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s margins are down in matchups with possible 2016 Republican presidential candidates in three critical swing states, Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, and in no state do voters say she’s honest and trustworthy…
Or this Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll from last year:
Today, 38% of voters say she is “honest and straightforward,” compared with 40% who say she isn’t.
ICYMI: Check out our video about Hillary Clinton’s bad trust numbers: “Trustworthy?”