East Ohio Paper Crushes Ted Strickland For Doing “Virtually Nothing” To Save Jobs

In a brutal editorial, the Ohio Valley’s Intelligencer lays into Ted Strickland for his utter failure as a governor, saying, “Strickland and his party have been dismal failures on just about everything that is important to East Ohioans.”

The paper is near the Congressional district Strickland used to represent in D.C., perhaps indicating Strickland’s support has eroded most where folks know him best. The editorial continues:

Job creation ought to be the last thing Strickland wants voters to think about. During his term as governor, from January 2007 to January 2011, the state’s unemployment rate soared from 5.5 percent to 9.2 percent. Strickland did virtually nothing to shield Ohioans from the nationwide recession.

But Strickland isn’t worried about people from this part of the state. Instead, he’s trying to outmaneuver his younger, more progressive opponent, P.G. Sittenfeld, by staking positions further and further to left.