Aid Group That Received $700,000 Under Clinton’s Watch Now Under Investigation

clinton money investigation

According to recent reports, another aid group that received taxpayer funding during Hillary Clinton’s State Department tenure is under investigation. A local media organization, New Zimbabwe, reports that USAID is now investigating the aid group Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition.

Corruption in the group was previously exposed in a 2013 audit report. The audit found that the group failed “to uphold the principles of good governance and protect the integrity of the institution.” USASpending states that the group received $700,000 in September 2012, while Hillary was Secretary of State.

This latest revelation follows reports that the Clinton State Department oversaw grants to Afghan government ministries known to be rife with corruption, sent aid money to a Burmese spy known to torture pro-democracy activists, and sent over $500 million to a company known for waste and fraud.

USAID is an independent government agency that receives “overall foreign policy guidance from the Secretary of State,” is overseen by the State Department, and its foreign assistance budget is managed from within the State Department. 

Related: SIGN If You Don’t Trust Hillary Clinton To Be President!