In reaction to Gov. Maggie Hassan’s announcement Monday that she is a candidate for the U.S. Senate, the pro-Republican super PAC America Rising quickly went live with a website that charges the two-term governor has made “every aspect” of Granite Staters’ lives more expensive.
The superPAC, whose executive director is former Scott Brown campaign manager Colin Reed, calls the site the “Maggie Hassan Tax Quiz.”
“How much more expensive has Maggie Hassan made your lives,” the website asks.
The group charges that as a state senator, she supported “more than 82 tax and fee increases that became law.”
“Gov. Hassan has spent her long political career doggedly pushing an agenda of higher taxes that would demolish New Hampshire’s proud ‘live free or die’ tradition,” Reed said.
This article was excerpted from WMUR. Click here to read the full article online.