Pennsylvania Democrat Bows To Pressure From Opponent, Shakes Up Campaign

Pennsylvania Democrat Shaughnessy Naughton, who is running in the 8th Congressional district, appears to have bent to pressure from her opponent, Steve Santarsiero (D-PA).

In August, Santarsiero slammed Naughton for allowing her campaign Treasurer, Josh Morrow, “to command such a public leadership role” amid implications that he helped disgraced state Attorney General Kathleen Kane leak court documents to the press. Naughton initially pushed back, calling the attacks “over the top” and “out-of-bounds mudslinging.”

Despite the bullish rhetoric coming from Naughton’s camp, however, it appears that Santarsiero’s attacks were effective. In an amended FEC Statement of Organization filing made by Naughton earlier this month, Morrow was replaced as the campaign’s treasurer.

morrow replaced morrow replaced 2

In a primary that has already gotten off to a bruising start, it is unlikely that this quiet change will put the controversy to rest.
