KY Dem Candidate For Governor On Coal: “I Do Believe In Regulation”

On Thursday, at a Kentucky Coal Association candidate forum Jack Conway tried to woo the crowd in part by telling them, “I do believe in regulation.”

This isn’t a surprise. Conway has received campaign contributions from major anti-coal activists like the Sierra Club, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, who has said “coal makes us sick.” Which is funny, considering the moderator was KCA president Bill Bissett who has raised concerns in the past about candidates who have connections to Harry Reid and President Obama.

And he is willing to support whomever wins the Democrat presidential nomination. That means Conway committed to vote for Bernie Sanders, who supports eliminating subsidies to coal and a tax on carbon, if he becomes the nominee. Or he’d be happy to support Martin O’Malley whose administration got strong support from environmentalists to reduce coal plants.
