Clinton Can’t Say How She Will Differ From Obama Because She Won’t

Hillary Clinton was asked during tonight’s Democratic presidential debate how she would “not be a third term of President Obama.” After pointing out the difference in their genders, Clinton went on to give a muddled response when pressed on policy substance by Anderson Cooper:

Perhaps Clinton had trouble answering the question because her record shows she would, in fact, be a 3rd term of President Obama’s failed policies – and in some cases go even farther:

Clinton Supports Obama’s Clean Climate Plan, Saying It Is “A Significant Step,” And She Will Defend It As President

The Washington Post Headline: “Hillary Clinton Promises To Build On Obama Climate Plan As President” (Anne Gearan, “Hillary Clinton Promises To Build On Obama Climate Plan As President,” The Washington Post, 8/2/15)

Clinton Called Obama’s Climate Change Plan “A Significant Step Forward” And “Sets A Smart Federal Standard That Gives States The Flexibility To Choose How To Reduce Carbon Pollution Most Effectively.” “The Obama Administration’s Clean Power Plan is a significant step forward in meeting the urgent threat of climate change. It sets a smart federal standard that gives states the flexibility to choose how to reduce carbon pollution most effectively. And it drives investments in clean energy and energy efficiency, reduces asthma attacks and premature deaths, and promotes a healthier environment and a stronger economy. It’s a good plan, and as President, I’d defend it.” (The Briefing, “Statement From Hillary Clinton On President Obama’s Clean Power Plan,” Hillary For America, Accessed 10/10/15)

Clinton: “Of Course, The Clean Power Plan Standards Set The Floor, Not The Ceiling.” (The Briefing, “Statement From Hillary Clinton On President Obama’s Clean Power Plan,” Hillary For America, Accessed 10/10/15)

In Her 2016 Health Care Policy Proposal, Clinton Has Said That She Will Expand On ObamaCare

The Huffington Post Headline: “How Clinton Wants To Turn Obamacare Into Hillarycare 2.0” (Jeffrey Young, “How Clinton Wants To Turn Obamacare Into Hillarycare 2.0,” The Huffington Post, 9/23/15)

The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board Asserted That In Her July 2015 Economic Policy Speech, Clinton “Embraced Obamacare, Only More So.” “It follows, then, that Mrs. Clinton embraced ObamaCare, only more so. She said she’d lower out-of-pocket insurance spending and make prescription drug costs more affordable, presumably through price controls. Mrs. Clinton also said she’d ‘enhance’ Social Security, whatever that means, though it won’t be cheap. She also went beyond Mr. Obama’s universal preschool to call for a new program—also undefined—for ‘children in that zero to four age group.’” (Editorial, “A Third Term For Obamanomics,” The Wall Street Journal,7/13/15)

Clinton Has Said She Will Continue Obama’s Unaffordable Community College Plan

Clinton Will Continue President Obama’s Free Community College Plan And Pledged That Students Will Never Have To Pay More Than 10 Percent Of Their Income To Student Loans. “Clinton will also pledge to continue President Barack Obama’s free tuition plan at community colleges, as well as ensuring that students will ‘never have to pay more than 10% of their income when repaying the loan.’ ‘Everyone will be able to enroll in a simplified and streamlined income based repayment program so that borrowers never have to pay more than 10% of what they make,’ according to a white paper on Clinton’s plan.” (Dan Merica, “Hillary Clinton To Roll Out $350 Billion, 10-Year College Affordability Plan,” CNN, 8/10/15)
