THE HILL: GOP group attacks McAuliffe over emails

A Republican political action committee is looking to attack Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a long-time Clinton supporter, for his private emails.

America Rising PAC executive editor Colin Reed filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request on Thursday with Virginia officials, calling on McAuliffe to hand over “copies of all communications pertaining to government business sent to or from the personal email accounts of Gov. McAuliffe.”

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has been dogged with criticism about her use of a private email server while serving at the State Department.

America Rising spokeswoman Amelia Chassé said that McAuliffe should be more transparent about his own email use.

“As their long-time money man, the Clintons taught Governor McAuliffe everything he knows about politics,” Chassé said. “So it is worth examining whether he has imitated the controversial email practices of his mentor, Secretary Clinton.”

This article was excerpted from The Hill. Click here to read the article online.
