“Party Of No” Democrat Ami Bera Acts Like He Supports Bipartisan Cooperation

This morning, California Democrat Ami Bera laughably tried to take credit for finding middle ground and working on bipartisan spending solutions.

Amidst Bera’s outlandish “bipartisan” rhetoric, he forgot to mention that he has voted against all 12 budget proposals offered on the House floor in the last two years. His obstructionism even earned him membership in the “Party of No” from The Los Angeles Times:

“But it was Democrats like Bera in competitive electoral environments who formed the largest bloc of ‘no’ voters during last month’s budget debate, the first opportunity lawmakers had this year to weigh in on the crucial taxing and spending battles ahead.”

So while Bera claims to support bipartisan spending solutions, he couldn’t support a single one offered by Republicans or Democrats, nor would he offer up his own solution on the House floor.
