Numerous Bad Headlines For Hillary Clinton Are The Focus Of The Morning Shows

A Bloomberg Politics poll released today shows a three-way race for the Democratic nomination. Since April, Hillary Clinton’s favorability has dropped 10 points, while Vice President Joe Biden’s favorability it up to 49% nationally. According to the poll, Biden, who has yet to jump into the race, and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) are statistically tied. If nothing else, this poll suggests continued concern about Clinton’s candidacy.

Yesterday Bloomberg reported that the FBI was able to recover personal e-mails from Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

For months the Clinton campaign has claimed that Hillary Clinton turned over her emails as part of a request made to all former Sectaries of State by the State Department.

Clinton herself made this claim as recently as yesterday at the Des Monies Register editorial board meeting: “All I know is that they sent the same letter to everybody.”

State Department spokesman John Kirby directly contradicted the Clinton campaign’s version of events in a statement to The Washington Post:

“In the process of responding to congressional document requests pertaining to Benghazi, State Department officials recognized that it had access to relatively few email records from former Secretary Clinton…State Department officials contacted her representatives during the summer of 2014 to learn more about her email use and the status of emails in that account.”

According to MSNBC’s Morning Joe panel, Democrats are in a near panic about Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the email scandal that keeps “devouring” it.

CBS News Report:

Chuck Todd on Clinton’s emails:

Despite Clinton’s claims that this email scandal has been addressed and is behind her, that is far from the truth. What’s even worse is that this scandal is having a real impact on Clinton’s electability inside the Democratic Party, giving Biden a chance to emerge as the party’s nominee. So much for the coronation.
