New Details About Clinton’s Emails Causes Biden To Revaluate His Decision To Run

Yesterday The Washington Post reported that Hillary Clinton had sent at least six classified e-mails while using her private email server.This report contradicts what Clinton said during her press conference in March and has continued to maintain throughout the campaign:

“I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email. There is no classified material. So I am certainly well aware of the classification requirements and did not send classified material.”

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough responded to the new reporting on Clinton sending classified material with, “If you believe that Hillary Clinton’s only account did not receive and send classified material in high volumes, then you should not be allowed within five feet of a blender.”

These recent revelations caused NBC’s Chuck Todd to call Hillary Clinton’s October Congressional hearing a “make or break moment” for her presidential campaign.

But it only gets worse for Clinton. A new Washington Post-ABC News poll shows that 53% of Americans have an unfavorable impression of Clinton.

Growing concern over Clinton’s emails, coupled with her continued sinking poll numbers, has likely caused Vice President Joe Biden to reassess his run in the Democratic primary.
