New CBS Poll: Sanders Up 10 In IA, 22 In NH

A new poll from CBS News, conducted by YouGov, shows Hillary Clinton trailing Bernie Sanders (I-VT) by 10 points in Iowa, 43-33. And in New Hampshire, Sanders is up a whopping 22 points on Clinton—52-30.

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What’s causing the surge for Sanders? An enthusiasm gap:

Bolstered by support from liberal Democrats, Bernie Sanders tops Hillary Clinton in primary voters’ preference in both the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary, while Clinton holds a lead in South Carolina.

One major difference right now is enthusiasm: Sanders is generating it and Clinton is not. Seventy-eight percent of Sanders voters in New Hampshire, and 63 percent of his voters in Iowa, say they enthusiastically support him, while just 39 percent of Clinton’s backers in New Hampshire and 49 percent in Iowa say they enthusiastically support her.

This marks the fourth poll that shows Clinton trailing Sanders in New Hampshire, and the second to show Sanders leading Clinton in Iowa.
