The Top 10 Emails From The Latest Clinton State Department Email Release

Last night, the State Department released 7,000 more pages of Hillary Clinton’s emails from her time as Secretary of State. Before releasing the emails, the State Department deemed 125 more of Clinton’s emails to be classified. As Politico reported, “The release also underscores how the headache-inducing controversy is continuing to grow for Clinton. The new classifications roughly triple the number of messages on Clinton’s account now considered classified, bringing the total to 188 from 63.” Here’s a rundown of the top 10 emails released in the latest batch:

1) A State Department Help Desk Analyst had no idea Hillary Clinton did not have a State Department email address.

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2) Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin provided a now-classified note from “our embassy in China,” which went directly to Clinton’s private email.

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3) Planned Parenthood’s Vice President for Public Policy and Advocacy sent an email thanking Clinton for increasing aid to Planned Parenthood.

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4) Clinton definitely knew who her corporate supporters were. Special Representative for Global Partnerships Kris Balderston sent Clinton an email listing corporations that decided to support the Shanghai Expo.

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5) Clinton received an email from Mark Penn who asked “why no one called” him to help recruit sponsors for the Shanghai Expo.

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6) Sidney Blumenthal sent Clinton an email detailing polling he conducted with David Brock and Paul Begala on how to attack Republican House Speaker John Boehner.

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7) Clinton sent an email to Blumenthal saying “Congrats to all” on the launch of American Bridge.

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8) David Brock sent out a memo recommending impeaching Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

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9) Clinton sent an email to Cheryl Mills Recommending the state department work with the Clinton Foundation on a Haiti project because the Foundation has “unencumbered $”.

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10) Clinton’s iPad arrived in June 2010.

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