Kentucky Dem Is Proud He Bankrupted A Local Community

Democrat Andy Beshear is out with a new ad in his campaign for Kentucky Attorney General. It features Debbie Mobley, who Beshear represented in a case that has bankrupted the town of Hillview, Kentucky.

The ad touts Mobley as a Republican supporter crossing party lines, but what it doesn’t tell voters is that Mobley has a long history with the Beshear family.

Here’s a rough timeline of Mobley’s relationship with the Beshears:

In 2007, Mobley, (who states she is a Republican in the ad) contributed $2,000 to Andy’s father, Democrat Governor Steve Beshear.

In 2012, Mobley and Andy Beshear sued the town of Hillview and won an $11.4 million judgment against the town.

In 2013, Bullit County Judge Executive Melanie Roberts nominated Mobley for Economic Development Authority citing her “good relationship with the Governor” (Andy Beshear’s father). However, even with a letter of recommendation from Andy Beshear, Mobley’s nomination failed, in part because of her lawsuit, which bankrupted Hillview.

In 2015, the town of Hillview filed for bankruptcy, in part to the judgment, which had grown to about $15 million with interest.

Now Beshear is campaigning on his bankrupting of a Kentucky town and highlighting a supporter he inherited from his father. It couldn’t be clearer that Beshear is the candidate of special interests, not Kentucky communities.

