Katie McGinty Won’t Say Who She Voted For In 2010

Since being handpicked by the Washington, D.C. Democratic establishment, Katie McGinty’s senate campaign has been marked by a complete lack of substance – her website doesn’t even have an “issues” section – and evasiveness on major policy issues like the Iran deal and proposed EPA regulations.

But those are hard questions, so what about asking her an easy one – whether she voted for Joe Sestak or Republican-turned-Democrat Arlen Specter in the 2010 Democratic senate primary. Seems like a straightforward question with a straightforward answer, right?

Not so much. Apparently McGinty doesn’t want to fess up to voting for either her current primary opponent (Sestak) or a former Republican (Specter). Refusing to answer basic questions about a recent vote hasn’t been a problem for other Democratic candidates, though, right?

Oh wait:

CNN: Alison Lundergan Grimes repeats refusal to say whether she voted for President Obama

Louisville Courier-Journal: Grimes’ non-answer on Obama vote ridiculed

The Huffington Post: Alison Lundergan Grimes Loses Election To Mitch McConnell In Kentucky

BuzzFeed: Kentucky Democrat: Grimes Lost Votes By Not Admitting She Voted For Obama
