Inexperienced KY Dem Introduces Heroin Plan His Opponent Already Authored

Democrat Andy Beshear has been campaigning for Kentucky attorney general on how he will fight opioid abuse in Kentucky. It is one of the few issues he is willing to talk about. So one would think he would have studied up on it.

However, until this week, Beshear’s website contained a heroin plan that has already been introduced in Kentucky by his Republican opponent Whitney Westerfield, and signed into law by his governor-father.

Westerfield highlighted his opponent’s disconnect and said, “I just don’t think he has any real connection to what we’re doing in Frankfort about heroin and other problems facing the people of Kentucky.”

It appears a charge Beshear’s campaign once leveled at his opponent could be better applied to himself: “if he were to govern the way he is campaigning, the people of Kentucky are in serious trouble.”

