FREE BEACON: America Rising Demands State Dept Transparency Czar Resign for Donating to Hillary Clinton

America Rising PAC is demanding that the former career diplomat tapped by Secretary of State John Kerry to serve as “transparency coordinator” at the government agency resign after revelations that she donated the maximum amount to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

Kerry announced Tuesday that Janice Jacobs, who most recently worked as Assistant Secretary for Consular Affairs before retiring last year, would serve as State’s transparency “czar” and help improve its document preservation and response to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.

Shortly after Kerry’s announcement, the Washington Free Beacon reported that Jacobs had donated $2,700–the maximum amount–to Clinton’s presidential campaign in June, according to Federal Election Commission records.

America Rising PAC executive director Colin Reed on Thursday called for Jacobs’ resignation, citing a clear “conflict of interest.”

“It’s clear from her donations to Secretary Clinton that the new State Department czar has a conflict of interest in the ongoing email scandal and needs to step aside,” Reed said in a statement. “Clinton’s private email server has led to potential breaches of our national security and the stifling of government transparency practices.”

“The American people deserve leadership completely removed of partisan politics. The only way for this to happen is for Ambassador Jacobs to resign and be replaced by a truly neutral arbiter who can resolve the email issue as quickly and fairly as possible,” Reed added.

This article was excerpted from The Washington Free Beacon. Click here to read the full article online.
