Democrats Splintering Into Factions As Clinton Continues To Sink

As the political world prepares for the second Republican primary debate, the Democratic Party is splintering into several warring wings as Hillary Clinton continues her staggering free-fall. The unhappy factions of the Democratic Party include:

The Kennedy Wing: According to a prominent news report, “talk in Kennedy circles is that Caroline Kennedy is furious over the revelation that a longtime confidant of Hillary Clinton’s secretly sabotaged her bid to become a US senator — and Kennedy may seek her revenge by backing veep Joe Biden if he runs for president.”

The Obama Wing: Leaks and blind quotes from White House insiders make it clear that the Obama-Clinton “team of rivals” is no longer a team. MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough reported that the Obama administration is furious with Clinton over her email scandal, “for people that know people in the White House and work at the White House, you can’t overestimate the level of anger of Hillary Clinton taking the greatest honor that Barack Obama could have given her and then soiling it.”

The Sanders Wing: Senator Bernie Sanders, who is leading Clinton in both Iowa and New Hampshire, has voiced his displeasure with the “vicious” attacks by Hillary Clinton’s Super PAC linking him to the more extreme and controversial positions of new British Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

The Warren Wing: The leaders of are pushing back at pro-Clinton forces who criticized their efforts earlier this year to recruit Senator Elizabeth Warren into the race as “cynical” and “misguided.” A MoveOn spokesperson told MSNBC that “I’d bet there are lots of folks in the Clinton campaign who are livid at him for lashing out at progressives like this. She needs progressive support if she wants to win.”

The tensions have boiled over to the point that this afternoon will include what may be a historical first – a protest outside Democratic National Committee headquarters organized by a Democratic presidential candidate and former governor over the DNC’s attempted coronation of Clinton.

Of course, all this unsettlement comes as Vice President Biden takes serious steps toward a presidential bid, a move that would roil already choppy waters. Either way, one thing is clear: the division and increasing angst within the Democratic Party further complicates Hillary Clinton’s increasingly difficult path to the nomination.
