Clinton Trailing Sanders In Iowa Leads Morning News Coverage

Today’s poll marks a whopping 20-point swing since the last time Quinnipiac conducted a survey in Iowa. Clinton’s plummeting poll numbers dominated the morning shows.

CNN’s Jeff Zeleny talked about how Clinton’s favorability has taken a hit:

“If you are wondering why she [Hillary Clinton] apologized this week about using private e-mail as Secretary of State, this is why. Her trust and honesty have taken a significant hit over the summer. One more thing, on favorability, always a key measure in these polls. Clinton is now at 76% down nine points from July.”

Each of the networks broke with the stunning news:

ABC’s Good Morning America:

NBC’s Today Show:

CBS This Morning:

The fact that these poll results effectively show a tie is stunning when you consider Clinton’s heavy investment in her Iowa field operation: she has 78 paid organizers in the state. She has poured millions into TV ads there, recently adding a $2 million ad buy, to try and increase her favorability.

It’s clear now that despite her infrastructure and money advantages, Clinton is slipping further behind in the polls. While her fourth campaign reset is again based on poll- and focus group-tested slogans, it’s becoming clear that won’t be enough to turn things around.
