Clinton Gets No Love From AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka

Womp Womp. Looks like AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka still isn’t ready for Hillary Clinton.

Today, Trumka said the Democratic Presidential Primary was “still wide open” for Vice President Joe Biden to jump into the race.

Trumka, who recently admitted his union might not event endorse in the primary, even went out of his way to praise Clinton’s Democratic primary opponent Bernie Sanders for “connecting” with labor unions.

His comments on Clinton? She still needs to “figure out how to energize workers.”

These comments come within days of Clinton hoping for an endorsement at a town hall hosted by AFSCME.

But with Clinton dodging hard on so many issues important to the labor movement – trade, the Keystone XL pipeline, minimum wage – labor leaders are likely grasping for anything to rationalize their support for Clinton.
