Two New Polls Show Hillary Clinton’s Taking A Serious Hit With…Democrats?

Hillary Clinton’s plummeting poll numbers have dominated the news over the last several weeks. As the FBI investigates the security of Clinton’s private server and Clinton continues to dodge questions on the campaign trail, now even Democrats are wary of their standard-bearer.

A WMUR poll of New Hampshire Democrats shows challenger Bernie Sanders down just six points — close to the poll’s 5.9 percent margin of error. Nearly one in five Democrats in the key primary state (19 percent) view Clinton unfavorably. The July poll is also the first in which Sanders outpaces Clinton in net favorability.

This morning, a Monmouth University poll revealed a 10-percent drop in Clinton’s support among Democrats nationally. Half of Clinton’s supporters said they would be enthusiastic (seven percent) or satisfied (43 percent) with Bernie Sanders as their nominee.

Monmouth University Polling Institute director Patrick Murray noted Clinton’s soft support: “Clinton continues to be the odds-on favorite for the Democratic nomination, but Democrats don’t have a particularly strong attachment to seeing her become their nominee.”

On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, the panel noted Clinton’s fall, from a “huge lead” in New Hampshire to within “points”:

Later on Morning Joe, Chuck Todd said there are “two million” reasons to believe Clinton takes Sanders and her own sinking poll numbers seriously: