The Clinton Crudité Comeback: A Love Story


In the span between serving as Secretary of State and her presidential announcement, Hillary Clinton made millions of dollars giving speeches to groups as diverse as universities like UCLA and UNLV, the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, and the American Camp Association.

On average, Clinton charged about $250,000 per speech. But the real payoff was in Clinton’s riders: the demands she made in exchange for her appearance at a group’s event. The Washington Post reported on this in November 2014:

The documents show that Clinton’s representatives at the Harry Walker Agency exerted considerable control over her appearance and managed even the smallest details — from requesting lemon wedges and water on stage to a computer, scanner, and a spread of hummus and crudité in the green room backstage.

Top university officials discussed at length the style and color of the executive armchairs Clinton and moderator Lynn Vavreck would sit in as they carried on a question-and-answer session, as well as the kind of pillows to be situated on each chair. Clinton’s representatives requested that the chairs be outfitted with two long, rectangular pillows — and that two cushions be kept backstage in case the chair was too deep and she needed additional back support.

During a walk-through of Royce Hall five days before the lecture, the e-mails show, Clinton’s team rejected the podium planned for her use during her 20- to 30-minute speech, setting off a scramble on campus to find a suitable podium and rent a new university seal to match.

Bear in mind that Clinton’s people were making these demands of a public university that was already paying her $300,000 to speak for roughly an hour.

Well, in the spirit of “to thine own self be true,” crudité is back for Clinton. Politico reported on Clinton’s posh Hamptons vacation, including the $100,000 beach house rental, and these details:

There, she has been enjoying the luxe life: celebrity Chef Katie Lee, the ex-wife of Billy Joel, earlier this week personally prepared a spread of fresh guacamole, roasted carrots and an assortments of healthy dips and crudite requested specifically by the Clintons.

The Politico story did not specify if Clinton had special pillows flown in and dispersed throughout the vacation house.
