Joe Sestak: You Should Ask Katie McGinty About Iran Deal

As more and more Democrats make their position on President Obama’s Iran nuclear deal known, the heat is on the Democrat candidates for U.S. Senate who continue to avoid questions about the controversial deal – even in cases where their opponent has taken a stance, like Joe Sestak (supports) and Katie McGinty (???) in Pennsylvania.

On his way to a campaign event Friday evening, Sestak, an outspoken proponent of the Iran deal, said when asked about his primary opponent Katie McGinty dodging taking a position on the deal: “You should ask her that question.”

McGinty has declined to answer any questions about the deal, and hasn’t given a timeline for when Pennsylvania voters can expect her to weigh in. One possible explanation? New polling shows that 61 percent of Pennsylvanians oppose the deal, with 60 percent saying it will make the world less safe.
