Joe Biden Has A Path To The Democratic Nomination Thanks To Clinton’s Email Scandal

Hillary Clinton’s email scandal has created an opening for Vice President Joe Biden to jump into the race.

NBC’s Peter Alexander reported that President Obama gave Biden his “blessing” yesterday during a private lunch. Alexander said another good sign for Biden is “only a small percentage of Obama’s top fundraisers from 2012 have already committed to bundling large sums of money for the Clinton campaign.”

CBS News reported that many top Democratic donors are becoming “uneasy” about Hillary Clinton’s handling of her private email server.

On MSNBC, Al Hunt added:

“I think you’re right Joe, I slightly disagree with my friend Mark. I don’t take the Congressional investigation very seriously, but I take the FBI very seriously. I take that judge’s comments, I believe he was a Clinton appointee, I take that very seriously. I don’t know where it’s gonna lead, and going back to my earlier point about Joe Biden, all I’m saying, he can’t get into a race thinking she is going to, you know, self-destruct. That might happen, but that can’t be your premise. But no, I think there is a lot of worry in Hillary-land today.”