Ethical Storm Clouds Worsening For Top Clinton Aide Huma Abedin

In just the last few days, Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin has come under intense scrutiny for collecting nearly $10,000 in taxpayer dollars that were overpayments for vacation time. Additionally, an Inspector General’s report from the State Department shows “Huma Abedin leveraged her State Department job to benefit her two other employers at the time: the Clinton Foundation and a consulting firm called Teneo Strategies.”

Take a look at the headlines below for all the latest controversy surrounding Abedin:

New York Post: Huma Abedin planned party for Clinton pal on taxpayers’ dime

Wall Street Journal: Close Clinton Aide Huma Abedin in Overpayment Dispute

New York Times: Inquiry Faults Huma Abedin, Close Aide to Hillary Clinton

Washington Times: Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s aide, was overpaid for time off, State Dept. probe finds

Washington Examiner: State Dept. overpaid Hillary aide nearly $10,000

Washington Post: Top Clinton aide accused of receiving overpayments at State Department

CNN: Close Hillary Clinton aide, State Dept. inspector general in pay dispute

Forbes: Hillary’s Top Aide Draws Fire, But Clinton Foundation Is Elephant In The Room

New York Daily News: Clinton’s top aide accused of receiving $10K in overpayments

Washington Examiner: Clinton aide may have ‘delivered favors’ for friends, IG finds

Daily Caller: Clinton’s Top Aide Reportedly Investigated For ‘Potential Criminal Conduct’

Washington Free Beacon: Report: Clinton Aide’s Dual Roles May Have Broken Conflict of Interest Laws