Clinton Embraces Obama’s Energy Regulations That Will Cost Jobs, Hike Electricity Rates

This weekend, President Obama released details about a new set of regulations that will cost Americans jobs and hike electricity rates.

The Associated Press’s “winners and losers” list labeled “your power bill” as a loser as a result of these new burdensome regulations:

The savings come from increased use of wind, power and hydro plants, which operate at a cost of close to zero after they’re installed. But acquiring and constructing renewable power sources is still very costly, making it less cost effective in many circumstances.

Hillary Clinton, who herself travels the country in a jet that burns 347 gallons of fuel per hour, thinks these regulations are a great idea:

In a statement Sunday, Clinton called the plan “a significant step forward in meeting the urgent threat of climate change.”

Clinton was shouted down by a group of environmentalists in a recent New Hampshire town hall for failing to “take leadership on climate change.” As a politician who will say or do anything to win, Clinton is now trying to adopt a platform to appease her environmentalist critics.

Clinton is sticking to her strategy of embracing Obama’s policies (because she doesn’t have any of her own) in an effort to serve as a third term for President Obama. Brilliant strategy, considering 53% of the country disapproves of Obama’s handling of the economy.