Clinton Democrat Ted Strickland Parrots Hillary’s Keystone Pipeline Dodge

Moments before likening Republicans to terrorists in Cleveland this morning, Hillary Clinton took a moment to throw her support behind Ted Strickland. Politico reported:

“I’m personally delighted to be here with my friend, and your governor, Ted Strickland,” [Clinton] said. “Nobody cares more deeply and profoundly about what happens to people. He did a great job as your governor, and he will be an important voice in the Senate.”…

…Bill Clinton has already formally endorsed Strickland, who helped introduce the Democratic presidential front-runner this morning.

Recent polling showing Clinton’s favorability rating is 18 points underwater and 60 percent of Ohio voters saying she’s not “honest and trustworthy” didn’t stop Strickland from relishing in sharing the stage with the flailing Democratic frontrunner – or mimicking her non-position on the Keystone XL pipeline:

At a lunch Monday…Strickland was quoted as saying, “The Keystone pipeline doesn’t involve Ohio. So I’m staying out of it. It’s too divisive.”

[Democratic primary rival P.G.] Sittenfeld was not in the room, but Democrats confirmed to The Enquirer it was said. The Strickland campaign declined to comment.

“Since when did it become acceptable for Senate candidates to avoid dealing with issues because they are controversial and divisive?” Sittenfeld said. “Leaders lead — they don’t bob, weave, evade and equivocate.”

Sound familiar? That’s because Clinton said this in late July:

There was a classic Clinton moment last week when a voter asked if she was for or against the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada. “If it’s undecided when I become president, I will answer your question,” she replied.

Elect me first, and then I’ll pick a position! Who doesn’t love a surprise? But Strickland has a point, right? It’s not like he’d have to vote on it as a senator or anything…oh wait:

Republican Senator Rob Portman, who is running for re-election, voted for the project. Democratic Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown voted against it.
