Clinton Caves To The Left On Golden Parachute Support

Well, that didn’t take long.

Less than a week ago, a coalition of liberal groups allied with Sen. Elizabeth Warren petitioned Hillary Clinton to distance herself from her Wall Street backers, particularly the “golden parachute” set that has been donating to her campaign. The Washington Post’s Anne Gearan reported:

In another sign that Hillary Rodham Clinton has not won over important voices on the progressive left, several liberal organizations are challenging the Democratic front-runner to support a bill intended to limit the revolving door between Washington and Wall Street.

A letter to be sent to Clinton on Wednesday prods Clinton to join challengers Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and former Maryland governor Martin O’Malley in supporting proposed legislation that would block the payment of large payouts to Wall Street executives who leave high-paying jobs to take government positions.

It only took Clinton six days to heed the call. Gearan reported today:

Hillary Rodham Clinton is endorsing a proposed change to federal law championed by liberal groups that is intended to slow or stop a revolving door between Wall Street and Washington…

…”Secretary Clinton deserves real praise for listening to Elizabeth Warren-wing Democrats and taking this vitally important first step in slowing down the revolving door between Wall Street and Washington,” said Charles Chamberlain, executive director of Democracy for America, one of the liberal groups that took Clinton to task last week for not having pledged support for the bill.

Could it have been new polling showing Sanders catching up to Clinton in Iowa or reports of Warren meeting with potential challenger Joe Biden that inspired her sudden lurch to the left? It’s likely some of her big donors, like Frank Biondi, who has been described as the “superstar of the golden parachute set” have some questions.
