Cleveland Is Still Not Ready For Hillary

Cleveland wasn’t ready for Hillary when she announced her candidacy for president in April, and recent polls say Ohio voters still aren’t.

When she announced back in April, several Cleveland residents took to Twitter to express their opinions and distaste.

One Cleveland resident tweeted that Clinton was not considered a liberal due to her vote on the Iraq War and her close ties to Wall Street.

Another Twitter user called Clinton a “lying, deceiving thief,” and hoped the voters are “smarter this time.”

One Cleveland suburbs resident even threatened to move to Europe if Clinton became President!

And Clinton’s falling poll numbers indicate Ohioans still haven’t warmed to Clinton.

The most recent Quinnipiac poll placed her at 47% among Ohioans, down from 60% in June.

Perhaps the most telling sign Ohioans simply aren’t keen on Clinton is this: 66% of all voters surveyed said Clinton was not honest or trustworthy.

And 54% of all voters surveyed said they had an unfavorable opinion of Clinton – OUCH.

It’s safe to say that the Buckeye State will not be welcoming Clinton with open arms today.
