In Thursday’s gubernatorial candidate forum before the Kentucky Farm Bureau, Attorney General Jack Conway tried to run from the Democrat Party. He claimed his actions as AG haven’t made him many friends in Washington.
A closer look however shows that Conway does have Washington friends. A search on Kentucky Registry of Election Finance shows that Conway has received $16,261 this cycle from D.C. contributors, including special interest PACs and unions.
Conway has also accepted support from D.C. politicians who are terrible for Kentucky coal, including Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, who said “coal makes us sick.” In 2008 and 2012, Conway served as a delegate at the Democrat National Convention for President Obama.
Conway doesn’t have enough friends in Washington to get elected to Congress or the U.S. Senate, for which he campaigned and lost in 2002 and 2010, but the Washington friends he does have, are bad for Kentucky.