Top 6 Reasons Hillary Clinton’s Newfound Wall Street Criticism Doesn’t Work

Today is the 5-year anniversary of Dodd-Frank, an overly complicated and burdensome set of rules and regulations that stymie economic growth, becoming law. Tomorrow, Hillary Clinton plans to unveil her ideas to reform Wall Street.

But take a closer look at Hillary Clinton’s record, and her newfound Wall Street criticism belies a lifetime of Wall Street coziness:

1. Four of Hillary Clinton’s top donors in 2008 were major banks.

2. Despite all of her rhetoric, things haven’t changed at all in 2015—four of her six top donors are major banks, yet again.

3. Bill and Hillary Clinton have received an estimated $23 million in speaking fees from the financial industry

4. And oh yeah, the 15 biggest U.S. financial institutions have donated between $4.3M and $14.9M to the Clinton Foundation

5. Hedge fund managers have been throwing Clinton fundraisers since she announced in April 2015.

6. In 1999, Hillary Clinton supported her husband’s decision to repeal Glass-Steagall—a financial regulation law that the rest of the Democratic Party, including Bernie Sanders, Martin O’Malley, and Elizabeth Warren, all want reinstated.

In 2008, Clinton reiterated that the repeal was the right move, and earlier this month, her economic adviser said reinstating Glass-Steagall will not be part of Clinton’s plan.