The Clinton Tax Returns: It Pays To Be The Clintons

It pays to be the former secretary of state running for president. Despite claiming to be ‘dead broke’ and lamenting that they ‘gotta pay’ their bills, the Clintons have long since surpassed the lifestyle of everyday Americans. The Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail, lecturing about students loans and doing what it takes to get by, hasn’t had those problems in a very long time.

“Hillary And Bill Clinton Earned Roughly $141 Million And Paid Nearly $44 Million In Federal Income Taxes From 2007 To 2014, According To Tax Returns Released Friday.” (Mollie Reilly, “Hillary Clinton Releases Tax Return Going Back To 2007,” The Huffington Post, 7/31/15)


From 2007 To 2014, The Clintons Earned $140,947,785 In Total Income

In 2014, The Clintons Made A Total Income Of $28,336,212. (William J. Clinton & Hillary Rodham Clinton, 1040 U.S. Individual Income Tax Return, 2014)

In 2013, The Clintons Made A Total Income Of $27,468,870. (William J. Clinton & Hillary Rodham Clinton, 1040 U.S. Individual Income Tax Return, 2013)

In 2012, The Clintons Made A Total Income Of $19,993,299. (William J. Clinton & Hillary Rodham Clinton, 1040 U.S. Individual Income Tax Return, 2012)

In 2011, The Clintons Made A Total Income Of $14,899,139. (William J. Clinton & Hillary Rodham Clinton, 1040 U.S. Individual Income Tax Return, 2011)

In 2010, The Clintons Made A Total Income Of 13,244,484. (William J. Clinton & Hillary Rodham Clinton, 1040 U.S. Individual Income Tax Return, 2010)

In 2009, The Clintons Made A Total Income Of 10,233,218. (William J. Clinton & Hillary Rodham Clinton, 1040 U.S. Individual Income Tax Return, 2009)

In 2008, The Clintons Made A Total Income Of 5,573,351. (William J. Clinton & Hillary Rodham Clinton, 1040 U.S. Individual Income Tax Return, 2008)

In 2007, The Clintons Made A Total Income of 21,199,212. (William J. Clinton & Hillary Rodham Clinton, 1040 U.S. Individual Income Tax Return, 2007)