#TBT: Hillary Clinton Was 1st First Lady To Ever Be Subpoenaed

Hillary Clinton got in trouble this week when she lied about receiving a subpoena regarding emails on her private server.

Fact checkers are already blasting Clinton for the remark that she “never” received a subpoena, but a trip down memory lane reveals this isn’t the first time Clinton has been subpoenaed.

In fact, Hillary Clinton made history when she was the first First Lady to be called before a grand jury in 1996 regarding her role in the Whitewater scandal. From January of 1996, the New York Times reports:

Mrs. Clinton has already answered questions from Mr. Starr under oath three times about other areas of the inquiry. But this is the first time that she will appear before a grand jury. Indeed, White House officials said they believed it was the first time that any First Lady had been called before a grand jury.

TIME Magazine notes that the subpoena was delivered to Clinton at the White House on a Friday, and was designed to shed light on “the mystery surrounding the discovery of her Whitewater billing records.”

This 1996 subpoena just serves as another reminder that regardless of the issue, people involved or decade, the Clintons are constantly at the center of scandal.