REALITY CHECK: Russ Feingold Says He’s Not A Career Politician. He’s Spent About Half His Life On Government Payrolls.

What is going on with Senator Russ Feingold? Earlier this week, he had the Democrat Party Chairwoman in Wisconsin telling volunteers to call him “Russ” and to drop any reference to his time in the U.S. Senate (for reference, Senator Feingold spent 18 years in Washington, DC).

Going even further, Feingold told News-Sickle-Arrow that he only spent a “small portion” of his life in political office:

“… I’ve lived in Wisconsin all of my life, with only a small portion of that in political office.”

Really? Feingold’s 18 years in Washington plus the 10 years he spent in the Wisconsin Senate, as a percentage of his 62 years of life, comes out to about 45%, or just shy of half, of his life living as a career politician.

Feingold even did the math himself in 2012:

“I ran for office for 28 years. I started when I was 29, I went ’til 57. That’s a pretty good contribution. Maybe I’ll do it again.”

Putting aside for a moment how ridiculous this argument is, the real question is who does Feingold think he’s fooling?