Ohio Democrats Completely Consumed With Attacking Each Other

Earlier this week, the Wall Street Journal peeked under the hood of the Ohio Democrats operations, and what they found wasn’t pretty. Democrats lost every statewide seat in 2014 because of a failure “to develop a strong corps of local officeholders and the campaign machinery to support them,” according to the report.

But what’s really making headlines this week is the infighting among Ohio Democratic Party (ODP) leaders over Ted Strickland strong-arming the state Party into endorsing him a year before the primary.

Take a look at what’s boiled up in just the last few days:

WCBE (Columbus): Ohio Dems Fighting Over U.S. Senate Candidate (7/24/15)

Cincinnati Enquirer: Ohio Democrats infighting hurting healing (7/23/15)

Toledo Blade: Ruvolo extends criticism of Ohio Democratic chair Pepper (7/23/15)

The Hill: Ohio Dems spar over party support of Strickland (7/23/15)

Cleveland.com: Senate race ignites war of words between Ohio Democratic Party chairmen past and present (7/23/15)

Columbus Dispatch: Former Democratic Party chair continues to push for P.G. Sittenfeld (7/23/15)

Columbus Dispatch: Ohio Democratic Party still at odds over Strickland, Sittenfeld (7/23/15)

Toledo Blade: Ohio Democratic chair takes heat (7/23/15)

Toledo Blade: Jim Ruvolo concerned over David Pepper’s treatment of Senate candidate Sittenfeld (7/22/15)

Bucyrus Telegraph-Forum: Ex-Dem chair ‘apalled’ by treatment of Sittenfeld (7/22/15)

Columbus Dispatch: Former Democratic party chair questions direction of state party (7/22/15)