New Research Report Exposes Planned Parenthood & Hillary Clinton’s Cozy Relationship

America Rising and Women Speak Out PAC, a partner of the national pro-life Susan B. Anthony List, released a new joint research report today highlighting Hillary Clinton’s longstanding relationship with Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion provider that is mired in controversy. The report finds that:

·      Clinton has accepted Planned Parenthood’s highest honor, the Margaret Sanger Award;

·      The Clintons have accepted tens of thousands of dollars in contributions from Planned Parenthood and its employees;

·      Planned Parenthood actively lobbied Clinton during her time as Secretary of State and received tens of millions in taxpayer funding from USAID;

·      Planned Parenthood is part of a network of far-left groups propping up Clinton’s candidacy with hundreds of millions of dollars pledged.

“Planned Parenthood’s brutal abortion business has been laid bare for all to see and Americans are repulsed,” said Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of Women Speak Out PAC. “Hillary Clinton must immediately renounce her Margaret Sanger Award, Planned Parenthood’s highest honor, and return the tens of thousands of dollars she’s accepted from them.”

A recent undercover video campaign shows top Planned Parenthood officials haggling over the price of organs harvested by the organization, discussing the use of a “less crunchy” abortion procedure, and strategically “crushing” areas of the child’s body to yield a better organ harvest. The undercover footage was obtained by the pro-life Center for Medical Progress.

When asked for her response to the videos, Clinton recently said she hadn’t watched them, but found the pictures “disturbing.”

“What’s really ‘disturbing’ are Hillary Clinton’s long financial connections to Planned Parenthood,” said Joe Pounder, spokesman for America Rising. “Like any Clinton associate, all you need to do is follow the money to discover how deep Clinton’s Planned Parenthood ties go. That’s exactly why you will never see Clinton criticize the group—her personal interests run too deep.”

In 2013, Planned Parenthood performed 327,653 abortions, accounting for 94% of their pregnancy services, while prenatal care and adoption referrals accounted for only 5% (18,684) and 0.5% (1,880), respectively. At the same time, they received $528 million in taxpayer funding. Learn more about Planned Parenthood’s most recent annual report from the SBA List’s Fact Sheet.