“More Democratic Losses Could Be On The Horizon” In Kentucky

Earlier this year, Democrats cleared the field for Jack Conway’s gubernatorial run, but now they might be regretting that move.

The anti-coal, pro-Obama Conway was thought to have “had the upper hand” but new polls show Republican Matt Bevin up on Conway. Then, Sabato’s Crystal Ball moved the race to “Leans Republican.” Now, The Rothenberg & Gonzales Political Report is moving the race further away from Conway and starting to talk about what Conway’s loss will mean to Democrats in the state:

Losing the gubernatorial race still wouldn’t compare to the heavily favored Kentucky Wildcats losing in the semifinal of the Final Four basketball tournament in April, but it would be a stinging defeat. The only other time since World War II Democrats lost the governorship was in 2003, when outgoing Democratic Gov. Paul Patton left office in scandal.

If it happens again, Democrats are likely to blame Conway for being a weak candidate instead of drawing a broader conclusion about the president’s or the party’s standing. Conway’s detractors say he’s not as moderate as Beshear and that he sounds like he’s from East Louisville.

Looks like Conway’s constant flip-flops, liberal positions, and false rhetoric are starting to catch up with him.