Maine Democrat’s Worst Fear Comes True

Emily Cain, the failed 2014 Democratic candidate for Maine’s 2nd Congressional district, was hoping her district wouldn’t follow the nationwide trend of hosting a contested Democratic primary. Her worst fear has come true today, though, as Bangor City Councilor Joe Baldacci announced his run for the 2nd district seat.

Baldacci Twitter

Baldacci, whose campaign website looks like it could use some high-resolution pictures, could prove to be a huge obstacle to Cain as she seeks the Democratic nomination. Baldacci, the brother of a former Maine governor, could use his family’s name and connections to leverage Democratic resources against Cain. Cain has proven to be a lackluster fundraiser and is already tainted from her disastrous 2014 campaign.

With Democrats already struggling to unify around an effective message to reverse their historic drubbing last November, the last thing they need or want are more costly primaries in must-win congressional districts.