Hillary Clinton Finally Talks About Foreign Policy

Hillary Clinton has officially been running for President since April, but even amidst major U.S. legislation and fiery rhetoric out of Tehran, she remained noticeably quiet on the Iran nuclear negotiations.

Over the weekend, Clinton, echoing the Obama administration’s concerning eagerness for a deal, said she “so” hoped “we are able to get a deal next week that puts the lid on Iran’s nuclear weapons program.”

Not unlike her milquetoast “position” on trade, Clinton – who as a former Secretary of State should have strong opinions on issues like these – seems more concerned about politics than good policy.

On China, in a clear departure from her 2009 plea to China to “continue buying US Treasury bonds,” Clinton accused Beijing of “stealing secrets from defence contractors,” as well as taking “‘huge amounts of government information, all looking for an advantage.’” A spokesperson for the Foreign Ministry denounced Clinton’s comments.

Given that she either aligns with the flawed foreign policy of the Obama administration or flip flops on significant issues, it’s no wonder former Secretary of State Clinton has been so quiet on foreign policy.