Editorial boards across New Hampshire are taking Gov. Maggie Hassan to task for her politically-motivated budget veto. Boards from the Nashua Telegraph, Foster’s Daily Democrat, and New Hampshire Union-Leader all take issue with Hassan’s decision to cut services rather than work with the legislature.
Foster’s Daily Democrat: Gov. Hassan’s budget veto will prove a mistake
New Hampshire would have been better served had the governor let the budget become law without her signature, leaving issues in dispute to be revisited with a supplemental budget.
Instead, her veto has denied needed services …
Nashua Telegraph: Stopgap budget is not governing
During her election campaigns and throughout her first term, the governor crowed about how New Hampshire wasn’t like Washington. Here, she said, Democrats and Republicans are willing to work together to solve problems in constructive and non-confrontational way. What happened?
While both sides share responsibility, it’s Hassan who so far is firing off the harshest rhetoric and appears most motivated by political ambition. Hassan knows she’ll need the support of state employees to make a Senate bid, so the pay raise is crucial if – as many believe – she makes a run at Sen. Kelly Ayotte. It’s not the elephant in the room; it’s the whole safari.
New Hampshire Union-Leader: Corporate giveaways? Thinking about business tax cuts
Not only does Hassan constantly fight against business tax cuts, she routinely proposes raising business taxes. Her record going back to her days as a state senator is full of tax increase proposals, including the infamous LLC tax. She included business tax hikes in her latest budget proposal.
Hassan believes the state will do better if the government collects more revenue from businesses so that politicians can spend it on things politicians think are important. Republicans in the Legislature believe the state will do better if businesses are allowed to keep more of the money they generate so they can create jobs with it.
It would be nice if the governor would present her side honestly rather than divert attention from it by making false claims about the other side.