DAILY MAIL: Exclusive: Video shows Hillary Clinton boarding private jet

“On Monday the Democratic presidential front-runner announced the details of her initiative to tackle climate change, calling it ‘one of the most urgent threats of our time.’

But shortly afterward, a videographer working with the conservative America Rising PAC spotted her at the private air terminal in Des Moines.

FIfteen seconds of video shot just after 12:00 noon, local time, shows Clinton walking up the plane’s stairs while an aide hodls a giant black umbrella over her head to sheld her from falling rain.

‘Despite her campaign’s best efforts to rebrand her as a down-to-earth fighter for “everyday Americans,” Hillary Clinton’s jet-setting ways are just further confirmation that she’s out of touch with the American people,’ the group’s communications driector Jeff Bechdel told DailyMail.com.

‘It’s that kind of hypocrisy that makes the majority of voters say Clinton is not honest or trustworthy.’”

Read the full article from the Daily Mail here.