Critical Reviews Of Clinton’s First Interview Dominate Sunday Shows

Yet again, Hillary Clinton’s campaign dominated the Sunday Shows. And yet again, not in a good way. Reactions to Clinton’s first national television interview since announcing her campaign were abundant, as it did not go as well as Team Clinton had hoped. Check out a rundown of critical reviews below.

Vox’s Jonathan Allen said Clinton’s interview was actually “terrible” and she continued to be extremely evasive on “questions of substance.”

On CNN’s “State of the Union,” John King debunks Clinton’s answer about never having a subpoena for her emails as “just simply not true.”

Also on CNN, Brianna Keilar, who interviewed Clinton, said she was “surprised” that Clinton did not show more contrition about all the scandals plaguing her campaign. Keilar then went on to also say that Clinton’s answers about her emails did not pass fact checks.

And on ABC’s “This Week,” Cokie Roberts summed up Clinton’s performance by saying Clinton “is not on her game in these interviews.”