Clinton Touted Sanctions Now Being Rolled Back By Iran Deal She Supports

According to the terms of the Iran nuclear agreement reached yesterday, sanctions imposed on Iran would be rolled back “sequentially as Iran complies with the requirement of the accord.”

In her statement endorsing the deal, Clinton touted that she built “a global coalition to impose the most crippling sanctions in history,” arguing that the sanctions “delivered a blow to Iran’s economy and gave us leverage at the negotiating table.”

“As Secretary of State, I logged tens of thousands of miles and twisted a lot of arms to build a global coalition to impose the most crippling sanctions in history. That unprecedented pressure delivered a blow to Iran’s economy and gave us leverage at the negotiating table, starting in Oman in 2012.

Clinton’s self-praise echoes her past statements that her sanctions “brought Iran to the negotiating table” in the first place.

“Well, as you know, I worked very hard and led our efforts to get the sanctions to be international that brought Iran to the negotiating table and sent one of my trusted advisers early in 2012 to begin that process of what – how big will the table be and who gets to sit around it and the like. And I have followed what has been done since then.”

While Clinton talks tough on sanctions, she is now supportive of a deal in which “Iran got more up front relief than the United States wanted, with the most important sanctions — those on the energy and financial industries — possibly being lifted this year if Iran complies with the principal requirements in the accord.”