Clinton Quiet On The Iran Arms Embargo While Fellow Dems Worry

While politicians on both sides of the aisle worry about relaxing the arms embargo against Iran, Clinton has so far been quiet on this critical piece of the deal.

According to the terms of the deal, the arms embargo is scheduled to be lifted in increments, where “missile restrictions would remain for eight years” and restrictions on convention weapons would be lifted in five years, but could come earlier:

“Those bans would be removed even sooner if the International Atomic Energy Agency reached a definitive conclusion that the Iranian nuclear program is entirely peaceful, and that there was no evidence of cheating on the accord or any activity to obtain weapons covertly.”

In particular, Clinton’s fellow Democrats are worried about the arms embargo against Iran ending. Some have even threatened to withhold support for the deal, with Senator Chris Coons of Delaware saying it is “probably” a line he would not cross. These Democrats’ concerns follow similar objections by Secretary of Defense Ash Cater and outgoing Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey.

Considering she is hoping to be the leader of the Democratic Party, Clinton’s silence is deafening.