According to a report yesterday, Boko Haram is suspected to be behind yet another attack in Nigeria, as two bombings at a market have left 50 people dead and 70 injured.
Notably, Hillary Clinton’s State Department refused to designate Boko Haram as a terrorist group despite the fact “counterterrorism officials in the State Department, Justice Department and FBI all favored officially designating the group as an ‘official terrorist organization.’” The group pledged its allegiance to Islamic State earlier this year.
Recently, in a letter to the FBI, Sen. Chuck Grassley raised significant questions about an operative of Islamic State, Ali Awni al Harzi, who ” planned and perpetrated the attack against the Consulate of the United States in Benghazi.” After being obtained in Turkey and sent back to Tunisia, Harzi was interviewed by the FBI and subsequently released by a Tunisian judge. Shockingly, when asked if she found the release of Harzi “distressing,” during a 2013 testimony to Congress on Benghazi, Clinton said she did not.
According to a terrorism expert, Harzi, who was killed in a drone strike last month, was said to be “a jack-of-all-trades,” for Islamic State, as well as “extremely dangerous for the U.S. and a versatile asset for ISIL.” These latest developments are another reminder of Hillary Clinton’s weak record on fighting terrorism.