With Government Shutdown Looming, Bad News Continues To Pile Up For Hassan In New Hampshire

As New Hampshire hurtles toward a government shutdown next week thanks to Governor Maggie Hassan’s promised budget veto, some new information this morning shows the disastrous effects her veto could have on the Granite State. 

WMUR highlighted some past statements from her Democratic predecessor, former New Hampshire Governor John Lynch and his opposition to using the budget veto. In 2011, Governor Lynch refused to veto the budget, saying that it would, “create chaos in state government,” and, “create serious repercussions,” for the people of New Hampshire.

On top of that, NH1 reported yesterday that the New Hampshire Business & Industry Association, the Granite State’s leading private sector business advocate, slammed Hassan’s plans to veto the budget. The president of the NH-BIA said that the tax cuts included in the budget would help New Hampshire-based companies that “employ tens of thousands of people and some of the best-paying jobs and most important economic jobs in New Hampshire.”

Over the weekend, an advocate for New Hampshire home health agencies, told the Concord Monitor that the Republican-passed budget is “the best budget we’ve seen in years,” and added, “We hope our needs don’t get lost in the political fray that results from a veto.”

Finally, Hassan sat down with WMUR last night and continued her heavy partisan tone that has led New Hampshire to the brink of a government shutdown. With people across the state clamoring for a budget, it’s a shame that the Governor continues to put her interests first.