On the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s “On Politics” show, watchdog journalist Daniel Bice explained why Russ Feingold’s misuse of PAC funds really hurts his image:
BICE: If you’re in politics, you know McCain-Feingold, and the Feingold is Russ Feingold, and he’s made his job to try to clean up messy politics and to get dark money out of the system. Well this is a case where he operated a Super PAC and most of the money ended up going to him, his staff, and to a number of vendors and clients. And so the potential is it creates the image that he’s a hypocrite, that he’s saying one thing but then you look at his fundraising doing another. But, what’s been equally interesting to me has been the response, or the lack of a response by the Feingold camp. Outside of pointing out that they’ve raised money indirectly, they’ve not really had much of a response. Their response has been to say nothing and to put out another fundraising letter.