Watchdog Journalist: Feingold Susceptible To Hypocrite Attacks Over Use Of PAC

On the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s “On Politics” show, watchdog journalist Daniel Bice explained why Russ Feingold’s misuse of PAC funds really hurts his image:

BICE: If you’re in politics, you know McCain-Feingold, and the Feingold is Russ Feingold, and he’s made his job to try to clean up messy politics and to get dark money out of the system. Well this is a case where he operated a Super PAC and most of the money ended up going to him, his staff, and to a number of vendors and clients. And so the potential is it creates the image that he’s a hypocrite, that he’s saying one thing but then you look at his fundraising doing another. But, what’s been equally interesting to me has been the response, or the lack of a response by the Feingold camp. Outside of pointing out that they’ve raised money indirectly, they’ve not really had much of a response. Their response has been to say nothing and to put out another fundraising letter.